Српскиот фудбалер во 118. минута лежеше на теренот како повреден, но според неговата насмевка тоа беше само за да украде некоја минута од времето.
Marko Grujic as he counts to 10 while playing hide and seek pic.twitter.com/S8vG8A3oag
— LFC Views (@Mobyhaque1) March 9, 2021
| Well done to #LFC loanee Marko Grujic and his Porto teammates for that win tonight after an incredible game.
Not to mention this piece of s***housery was absolute goldpic.twitter.com/vf77WJmeo5
— The Kopite (@TheKopiteOFF) March 9, 2021
Marko Grujic, that is shameless#UCL pic.twitter.com/zXiTJZzUHZ
— Football on BT Sport (@btsportfootball) March 9, 2021