Причината е проблем со системот за билети на Емирати поради што фановите не можат навреме да влезат на стадионот. Почетокот е закажан за 14 часот.
Around 35,000 fans have been unable to enter the Emirates stadium in time because of a new e-ticket system.
@gunnerblog pic.twitter.com/nBt84p9jxg
— Football Tweet (@Football__Tweet) August 12, 2023
| Arsenal vs. Nottingham Forest has been delayed by 30 minutes due to a e-ticketing issue at the Emirates which has meant fans have not been able to enter the stadium. It will now start at 1pm. pic.twitter.com/wbHYceUpN2
— Sky Sports News (@SkySportsNews) August 12, 2023